Competencies, Interests, and Values

Competencies, Interests, and Values was originally published on College Recruiter.

I’m often asked by students and recent graduates how they should find an internship, seasonal position, or entry level career opportunity. They want to know what field is “hot,” what opportunites pay the most, and what is “best.” Well, what is hot today isn’t all that relevant because it likely won’t be hot a couple of years from now. The highest paying opportunities are also usually the ones with the lowest job satisfaction ratings. And what is best for me isn’t necessary best for you or anyone else.

So let’s re-phrase the question. What career path is the best for the particular candidate? It depends upon the candidate’s competencies, interests, and values. Examine what you’re good at, what you like, and what is important to you. Look for common themes. Then look at industries that are consistent with those themes. Within those industries, find organizations that are consistent with those themes. Within those organizations, find departments or divisions. And within those, find hiring managers. Then network.
If you are fortunate enough to have multiple job offers, if there is any way possible to make it work financially, take the one that offers the greatest experience. I agree with Steven Sinofsky of Microsoft TechTalk in that it is critical to your ability to enjoy your life that you work for an organization that offers you great experience, allows you to do work that you love, and that the services or products that you’re helping to produce are delivered for reasons that are in line with your beliefs. Put another way, competencies, interests, and values.

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.