Ready. Set. Hire!
Register as an employer on our online job platform, Connections, to post part-time or full-time positions, internships, co-ops and other available opportunities within your company. Additionally, registered employers are able to participate in our events, recruiting process, and information sessions. Follow the instructions below or watch the video tutorial to get started!

- Go to Connections
- Select Employer
- Click Sign Up
- You can also register and submit a job posting in one step, by selecting Sign Up and Post Job.
- Complete the fields and click Done
- Click Next if registering and posting job at one time
When your registration request is approved, your password will be emailed to you.
– Employer Feedback | 2023-2024 Recruiting Season
“Students were friendly, well-dressed, and optimistic!“
Quick How-to-Video on Posting a Job
Looking to post a job but unsure where to start? Watch this step-by-step video for detailed instructions on setting up your job posting, including tips on customizing job descriptions and more! Having trouble viewing? Click the “Watch on YouTube” button at the bottom of the video for better quality.