Resume Critique Services

Resume Critique Services

Looking to have your resume, cover letter, or personal statement critiqued?

Before submitting your resume, we ask that you use these free resources to update your resume.

  1. Career Center Handbook | Check out our handbook to explore additional resources related to resume writing, cover letters, personal statements, and more.

  2. Modern Resume Guide | Check out resume examples and best practices when creating your updated, modern resume.

Once you’re ready to have your resume or document critiqued, check out the available options below:

Option 1:
Drop-in Hours for Quick Resume Feedback

For those seeking quick and on-the-spot feedback, we offer drop-in hours: Monday – Friday, 9am to 4pm. You can visit us in Montgomery Hall on the 3rd floor during designated drop-in hours, and our career ambassadors will be available to review your resume and provide valuable insights. Engineering students can stop by McCain Hall, Room 335, or email 

Option 2:
Schedule an Appointment with a Career Advisor 

If you prefer a more personalized and in-depth resume critique, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your skilled career advisor. During this one-on-one session, you can discuss your career aspirations, highlight your skills and achievements, and receive tailored feedback on your resume. To schedule an appointment: 

  2. Click “Student/Alumni” 
  3. Click "Current Students: Single Sign On" 
  4. Login using your NetID and MSU Password 
  5. Click “Career Advising” in the top right corner, scroll down and select “Request New Appointment” and follow the prompts to schedule a time that works for you! 

***For the most beneficial meeting with your advisor, appointments must be made at least 24 hours before your arrival. This will allow the advisor to prepare any information necessary to meet your needs and to ensure you get the most out of your visit. 

Regardless of which option you choose, we are confident that our team can offer valuable guidance to enhance your resume's effectiveness and showcase your qualifications to potential employers.