On-Campus Recruiting Visits

On-Campus Recruiting Visits

Employers who are interested in coming to campus to interview students are provided accommodations.

The Career Center diligently strives to ensure that the recruiting environment on campus is favorable and pleasant for employers and students. To accomplish a positive recruiting experience for employers and students, we make a conscious effort to complete all on-campus recruiting arrangements at least four weeks prior to the visit. On-campus recruiting benefits employers and students in that they both get the opportunity to make a personable impression upon the other.

Request an On-Campus Recruiting Date

  1. Login to Connections
  2. Choose the OCR tab, then Schedules sub-tab
  3. Click Request a Schedule
  4. Complete the fields and click Submit

The request is reviewed and confirmed (based on availability).

Types of OCR Models


Prescreening students’ résumés to invite for interviews. (Recommend requesting interview date 3 – 4 prior to campus recruiting visit)


Selecting alternates in case prescreened invited students do not fill up interview schedule(s).


Prescreening of students’ resumes is not necessary. Students who meet requirements can sign up for interview times.

None - Room Reservation Only

Employers have collected resumes from previous event(s) or job posting, etc., contacted students, built interviews schedule, and would like to reserve interview space.

After the schedule is approved, you will login and attach the position(s) for the schedule.

If there are any questions concerning an on-campus interview, please contact Martha Jones, Associate Director of Employer Relations and Recruiting.

Job Postings

  • Log in to Connections
  • Select 'Create Non-OCR Job Posting at MSU (Free) under 'Shortcuts'
  • Complete the Position Information form and select 'Submit'
  • Job Postings are reviewed and accepted by the Career Center Coordinator of the major(s) being recruited.

If there are any questions concerning posting a job online, please contact the Career Center.

Quick How-to-Video on Posting a Job

How to Post a Job

Career Fairs

One of the best ways to get in front of students is to register for one (or more!) of our many career fairs held each year. Registration for these fairs is quick and easy by creating or logging into your Connections account and registering for the particular event under 'Shortcuts'.

Registering for Events

Files List