Professional Dress: What do I wear to look my best?

Your appearance communicates much about your attitude, culture, and organizational skills. Especially during first impressions, making appropriate wardrobe choices can heavily impact the amount of success you experience with potential employers. The MSU Career Center is here to help!

Through the Mississippi State Career Closet, students can be sure to make a great first impression. Check out more information below about the online rental box, and be sure to check out tips that can help you make the right choices for you!

Mississippi State Career Closet

We know that first impressions are important, and the Mississippi State Career Closet provides access to professional clothing for students for opportunities such as interviewing, career fairs, and networking events. The service is easy, accessible, and personalized to students’ styles.

We also offer vouchers for those students who need financial support. To get started in reserving your professional clothing rental box and to talk with a stylist, click the button below. Help us help you look your professional best!


  • All pieces should be tailored to fit your individual body frame appropriately
  • Suit jacket and pants/skirts should be matching colors; darker colors such as dark gray,
  • Black, brown or navy are most acceptable
  • Light color shirts/blouses can be worn underneath (avoid distracting patterns/designs)


  • Wear full length pants (no capris) that rest at the top of the shoe when standing
  • Skirts should be just above or at the knee


  • For the proper length, the tip of the tie should meet the top of your belt buckle
  • The right tie will compliment your shirt/suit combination in color and length
  • Keep colors and designs conservative

Shoes and Belt

  • Preferably, shoes should be black or brown with matching belt
  • Closed-toe heels or lace up/slide in dress shoes
  • Dress socks should match each other/the suit, extend high enough to avoid showing
  • skin when seated, and should be blue, brown, or black depending on color of pants