Undeclared and Exploratory

Choosing a major that you’ll enjoy seems like a daunting task…where do you even begin?

As you consider this process, click on the boxes below to learn more about your interests, skills, abilities, and values. Discovering more about yourself and researching majors and careers will help you to feel confident about your decision.

It’s hard to figure out what you’re supposed to do ‘the rest of your life’.

No one thing or person can tell you what to major in or what career path you should take, but career assessments can provide direction so you can make the best decision for YOU.

Career opportunities exist for students in any major…as long as you prepare for them along the way. As you consider possible majors, ask yourself:

  • What activities do I enjoy? What interests drive me?
  • What are my values?
  • What do I enjoy learning? How do I like to learn?
  • What are my strengths academically?
  • If I could study anything, what would it be?

Click the button below to see all of the career assessments we offer and determine which is the right on

  • Check out the list of MSU Majors.
  • Use the MSU Catalog Online to research majors you liked. Look for two things…the graduation requirements (See ‘Colleges and Academic Offices’) and the course descriptions. How do you feel about those classes? Do you think they fit you? Why or why not?
  • Go to the MSU homepage and search the majors of interest. Review all parts of their departmental websites…still interested?
  • Meet with the academic department’s undergraduate coordinator or academic advisor. Ask questions!
    • Can you tell me about this academic program?
    • What are the requirements for admission to this major?
    • What are the graduation requirements?
    • What are some of the more challenging courses?
    • Are there any emphases/concentrations in this major?
    • How can I gain practical experience in this field while I am in school?
    • Where have your graduates gone to work?
    • What are some possible careers I could pursue with this major?
    • What other majors on campus might be related to this major?
    • What courses could I take to discover if this is the right major for me?

List of MSU Majors MSU Catalog MSU Homepage 

  • Take entry-level classes in the majors of interest.
  • Job shadow professionals in careers related to the major.
  • Meet with your Career Center advisor to discuss where you are in the process.
  • Join the Bulldog Mentor Program to connect with MSU alumni in the industry of interest.
  • Get involved with the student organizations associated with academic colleges and majors.

5 ways first-year college students can take advantage of career services

If you’re gearing up for college as a first-year college student, you’re probably super excited. And nervous. And overwhelmed by a large to-do list… Pack, meet your roommate, scope out the best parking spots, locate your classes, and find decent …

By College Recruiter
College Recruiter believes that every student and recent grad deserves a great career.
Read more

Career Horoscope: What Career Is Right For You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Choosing a career that’s right for you should involve many different factors — not only what kind of tasks you’d like to work on, but your skill set, personality, how you work best, how you work with others, and more. …

Read more


Career Resources

Take a look at the academic colleges, departments, majors & concentrations at Mississippi State University

LinkedIn Learning

Creating a Career Plan

Taught by Dr. Chaz Austin
The employment landscape can be volatile and scary. But with a solid career plan, you will be prepared and adept…

Learning LinkedIn: Power Your Professional Journey

Taught by Oliver Schinkten
In this course, Oliver Schinkten—a national speaker, consultant, writer, and video trainer—highlights ways you can harness the power of LinkedIn.…

Transitioning Out of Your Job

Taught by Dr. Chaz Austin
Is it time to move on from your company or current position? Learn how to quit your job with grace…

Succeeding in a New Job

Taught by Dr. Chaz Austin
Succeeding at a new job starts with a good foundation, an effective strategy, and an attitude of humility. Dr. Chaz…

Careers in the Game Industry

Taught by Christian Bradley
Interested in turning your love of video games into a career? This course will introduce you to the concepts and…

Recovering from a Layoff

Taught by Brie Reynolds
Learn how to recover quickly from a layoff and find employment again. Brie Reynolds begins with the first steps to…

Professional Networking

Taught by Dorie Clark
You don’t have to be an extrovert to be good at networking, and you don’t have to be fake. In…

Mastering Common Interview Questions

Taught by Valerie Sutton
Preparing for an interview can be daunting. Learn how to master the top 10 most common interview questions you’ll encounter…

Writing to Be Heard on LinkedIn

Taught by Daniel Roth
LinkedIn is the one of the world’s largest long-form publishing platforms. Writing on LinkedIn allows you to develop a following,…

Repairing Your Reputation

Taught by Lida Citroën
We’ve all made mistakes. But a bad reputation can damage your career. Whether it’s from a public faux pas, legal…

Diane Domeyer on Standing out in the Creative Job Market

Taught by Diane Domeyer
In a competitive job market, like the one designers and other creative professionals are facing today, how do you stand…

Insights from a College Career Coach

Taught by Valerie Sutton
Are you feeling stuck in your current position, seeking a new one, or contemplating a career change? In this interview,…

Writing a Resume

Taught by Stacey Gordon
Finding a great job starts with writing a great resume, one that speaks to your personal and professional strengths. Learn…

Creating Your Personal Brand

Taught by Lida Citroën
Your personal brand is your reputation and legacy. A strong personal brand can lead to job and career opportunities. A…

Translating Your Military Skills to Civilian Workplace

Taught by Lida Citroën
Marketing and branding expert Lida Citroën has been serving the transitioning veteran community for many years, presenting workshops and seminars…

Designing a Business Card

Taught by Nigel French
Learn how to design a business card. In this course, designer Nigel French covers all aspects of the design process—from…

Designing Your Own Online Avatar

Taught by Deke McClelland
Designs dekeConstructed is a new series that breaks down the creation of cool designs so you can build them on…

Breaking Out of a Rut

Taught by Stefan Mumaw
Ever feel like you’re in a rut? Most people have experienced a rut, whether it manifests as a lack of…

Disrupting Yourself

Taught by Whitney Johnson
“Disruptors” secure a foothold by coming up with ideas and innovations that eventually upend their entire community or industry. Disrupting…

The Art of Video Interviews

Taught by Amy DeLouise
Don’t get caught up in lighting and camera work and neglect the interview itself. Producer Rich Harrington and communication specialist…

Career Center Office

300 Montgomery Hall
Mississippi State Campus

Phone: 662.325.3344
Fax: 662.325.7975
Email: career@career.msstate.edu

Mailing Address

Post Office Box P
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Campus Mailstop 9533

Co-op Program Office

335 McCain Hall
Mississippi State Campus

Phone: 662.325.3823
Fax: 662.325.8733
Email: coop@career.msstate.edu

Mailing Address

Post Office Box 6046
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Campus Mailstop 9548

Career Service Hours

Day of the week
Office Hours Drop-In Hours
Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 11:00 am - 3:00 pm